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On this page search terms and other criteria for the search and ranking are entered. Space-separated words are AND-combined, which means that each of the given words must appear on the resulting web-page!

ATTENTION: The discovered terms may not have any relation as regards content because YaCy doesn't analyse the context of sentences on web-pages yet.


YaCY search page
YaCY search page with results

Media Search

  • Text: A normal text search. The results require the word(s) to appear somewhere on the page
  • Images: The image search finds results if it's URL contains the search word(s)
  • Audio:
  • Video:
  • Applications:

Max. number of results

Limit the maximum number of search results to the value specified here. Because of the p2p-structure YaCy is based upon, it is not possible to present the results on several pages. For each access of a next page, a new search would have to be initiated or the results would need to be cached, which isn't possible at the moment.


  • global: The YaCy-network contributes to the search (standard)
  • local: The search is performed on the local database only

Max. search time

Along with several other parameters the maximum search time is submitted with a search request. Those peers will search for a fraction of this time, order their results and send them back to the searching peer which has to order and rank the incoming results as well before presenting them to the user. The searching peer stops processing 'late' results when the time is exceeded. The longer the search may take, the more likely better results are, because there is more time for ranking and more time for slow peers (i.e. because of a huge DB) to send back the results.

URL mask

Only results are displayed, which match the Regular Expression entered here.

Prefer Mask

Peers running in the so-called 'Robinson-Mode' may want to inform other peers about the content they have indexed. This is done via 'tags' the peer-owner may set on the Index Control-page. Peers being tagged with words entered here will be asked during a search although they might not be appropriate according to DHT.


only index pages

Only pages containing directory listing will be displayed. Searching only for index pages may be useful searching for special files or file-types.